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IADMS 2018 Helsinki: Interview with 'A Day For Teachers' Speaker - Nico Kolokythas

Posted by: IADMS Dance Educators' Committee

Nico Kolokythas

Nico Kolokythas

1. Why is it import to discuss this topic with the IADMS community? What are the implications of this topic to the dance sector/dance health professionals?

To my knowledge this is the first injury prevention intervention randomized controlled trial. Up until 2015 there have been two studies on injury prevention and both of them were psychological interventions. In 2016, a group of researchers from Belgium conducted a trial on injury prevention in dancers. Even though this was an important study, the biggest limitation was that they did not report what the intervention was, therefore, it is not possible to reproduce their results. 11+ Dance is a protocol with specified progressions and regressions of the exercises depending on the abilities of the dancers, therefore can be replicated. The results indicate some physiological responses and there is also an indication of a decrease in the injury incidence. 11+ Dance, however, needs to be investigated further as the picture is not complete yet. We need longitudinal studies in order to be able to assess the effectiveness of the intervention.

2. How will your presentation help dance educators to apply research with students and participants in the classroom?

In the movement session we will discuss the development of the intervention but also demonstrate the exercises of the protocol whilst explaining how to progress or regress a dancer. This session will be an opportunity to begin a dialogue with practitioners and teachers for further research in the topic of injury prevention in dance.

3. What are your thoughts on IADMS relevance for your field of work?

IADMS strives to support the health of the dancer and also to push the boundaries in dance medicine and science. With such high prevalence of injuries in the dance sector I see IADMS as a key contributor for the dissemination of my research. I look forward to meet and discuss my study but also create links for possible collaborations in the field.

4. Personally, what is the importance of attending to IADMS annual conferences?

My first ever IADMS conference was in Hong Kong, where I presented my first observational study from my PhD journey. IADMS is the right place to meet like-minded people, challenge and get challenged, make friendships and collaborations, but more importantly stay up-to-date with what is happening in the sector as far as research is concerned. Since it is the biggest conference that focuses on research-based evidence I find it an essential conference to participate in, whether I am presenting any research or not.

5. What do you think you are most looking forward to on this year’s conference?

I can’t hide the fact that I look forward to presenting this year at IADMS, as I will have completed my PhD. The list is too long to write everything down but any investigation that is related to training load is of interest to me so I look forward to listening to Sarah Needham-Beck presenting and Brenton Surgenor. Kelli Sharp seems to have an interesting study to present on Motor Stability, and I am always keen to listen to Jatin Ambegaonkar’s presentations. One of the my main aims though, as I mentioned above, is to meet and discuss possible collaborations with other practitioners/researchers.