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IADMS 2018 Helsinki: Interview with Invited Speaker - Nicky Keay

Posted by: IADMS Promotion Committee

Nicky Keay

Nicky Keay

1. Could you tell us about your presentation theme at the 28th IADMS Annual Conference (#IADMS2018)?

Dance Endocrinology is the consideration of the interactive networks of hormones that influence both health and dance training and performance.

2. Why is it import to discuss this topic with the IADMS community? What are the implications of this topic to the dance sector/dance health professionals?

Typically imbalances in hormones can result in subtle changes, which my not be immediately obvious. Equally the cause of any endocrine disruption can be multifactorial.

Nevertheless, identifying dancers with endocrine dysfunction is important to prevent adverse effects on health and therefore dance training and performance.

In particular, dancers are a group of athletes at risk of developing relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) as being light weight confers both a performance and aesthetic advantage. One of the consequences of RED-S is multiple endocrine network dysfunction and increased injury risk so dancers and all those working with dancers should be aware and alert to this situation.

3. What are your thoughts on IADMS relevance for your field of work?

RED-S has only recently described in 2014 and significantly includes both male and female athletes/dancers. Therefore dissemination of the significance of RED-S through the IADMS community is important for safeguarding the health of dancers.

4. Personally, what is the importance of attending to IADMS annual conferences?

To enjoy and learn from the presentations and meet those with shared passion and interest in dance medicine.

5. What do you think you are most looking forward to on this year’s conference?

To be given the opportunity to put dance endocrinology centre stage and “do battle” on the topic of vitamin D. To hear from others about the multidisciplinary approach to dance medicine. Hoping to have to opportunity to do some Ballet.