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2023 IADMS Annual Conference: Delegate Experiences. Part 1

Author: Kendall Baab

The 2023 IADMS Annual Conference was held in Columbus, Ohio this year, and it was my second year in a row that I have attended the prestigious conference with researchers, educators, practitioners, and students from all around the world. I continued teaching and training clients the week leading up to the conference, and by the time I started packing for the trip, I was excited to see my friends from graduate school at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, and I was anxious to learn from the experienced scholars who were presenting at the conference.


First Impressions

I arrived at the downtown hotel in Columbus, Ohio, and I could sense the energy in the room – excitement, friendliness, and passion. I settled into my hotel room, ate lunch, and then joined the rest of the conference attendees in some practical movement sessions. I knew that I needed to dress comfortably in case I felt the urge to jump into some movement-based learning! The conference presenters came from a variety of backgrounds – strength and conditioning coaches, physical therapists, academic professors, athletic trainers, registered dietitians, physicians, and students.


My Favorite Presentations

One of the likable qualities of the IADMS annual conference is the wide range of presentation topics as I am always trying to choose which ones I am most interested in attending – especially when I want to attend many sessions at once! If I had to choose two favorite sessions from this year’s selection, here’s what I would pick, “Using augmented reality holographic anatomy in dance screening education” and “Toward a modern team-based strength and conditioning model for professional dance companies.” Both of these sessions were challenging the current practices of anatomy teaching and strength and conditioning for dancers and truly working to propel each of those sectors forward in today’s world. Not only is this important for current and future students, but it is also a sign of growth in the field of dance science. As a personal trainer and dance science educator, I am also drawn to the strength and conditioning and anatomy-focused sessions as that is where my passion mostly lies! The photo details my experience with the augmented reality holographic anatomy session.


Networking Opportunities

If there is one huge benefit of attending the IADMS conference, it is the networking opportunities. I met so many amazing professionals – some of which I have already connected via social media and some that I was meeting for the very first time. Having earned a graduate degree in dance science, many of my graduate school colleagues also attended the conference, and I had the opportunity to deepen those relationships this year as well. By the end of conference day 3, I was a bit exhausted from the amount of conversations I was having with other professionals, but these kinds of conversations are also what fills my cup and fuels my passion for dance science as well.


Bonus Conference Perks

Although there were numerous sessions about research and teaching practices, there were also other fun events planned throughout the conference weekend! First, there were a number of poster presentations (mine included in the photo below) hanging in the hotel foyer. There was also time for coffee and breakfast in the mornings, a dance party, and a welcome reception that I attended – more opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and celebrate the union of dance medicine and science professionals. Smaller events like these make the conference feel fun, entertaining, and personable to all that are attending.


Personal Reflection and Lasting Impacts

As I return from the IADMS conference, I'm filled with a sense of purpose. The insights and connections made will undoubtedly shape my work in the dance field. From implementing new training techniques to advocating for the mental well-being of dancers, this conference has fueled my commitment to this unique and passionate world. The International Association for Dance Medicine & Science Conference was a profound experience, one that reinforced the idea that the art of dance and the science behind it are inseparable. I left the conference with a renewed passion for this fusion of art and science, eager to embrace the ongoing journey of dance medicine and science.