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Student Committee Conference Events and Introductions

Posted by: IADMS Student Committee

With the IADMS Student Committee around the corner we would like to put a face to our Student Committee names, feel free to hello at the conference!

We would love to introduce ourselves to you in person, feel free to visit our presentations, or at registration.

Student Committee presentations:

Student and young professional networking workshop Thursday, October 12th 5:30pm-6:20pm

Building your career: a panel discussion on avenues to careers in dance medicine and science Sunday, October 15th noon-12:30pm 

Student Committee members: 

Siobhan Mitchell

Siobhan Mitchell
Siobhan trained as a dancer before going on to complete a BA Hons in Dance Studies at the University of Roehampton, an MSc in Dance Science at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, and an MRes in Health and Wellbeing at the University of Bath. Awarded a full ESRC studentship in 2014, Siobhan is currently in the final year of her PhD studies at the University of Bath. Her research interests are in growth and maturation; specifically, psychosocial implications of differing maturity timing in young dancers. Siobhan works as an associate lecturer and delivers educational sessions for dancers and dance teachers on the topic of growth and maturation. Siobhan has been a member of IADMS since 2011 and has been on the IADMS student committee since 2014. 

Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales

Gabriel Carrion-Gonzales
Gabriel from Albuquerque, New Mexico, began dancing at the age of 8 years old soon expanding his ballet training to study at Walnut Center for the Arts, Miami City Ballet, Gelsey Kirkland Academy for Classical Ballet, and Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet. Gabriel is now in his junior year of his undergraduate degree pursuing a double degree in biochemistry and psychology, with aims of being a sports medicine physician. 

Carolyn Meder

Carolyn Meder
Carolyn is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she grew up studying ballet at the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School. Carolyn is currently attending the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio as an athletic training major. After completing her undergraduate studies, she hopes to pursue a master’s degree and eventually land a job in the field of dance medicine as an athletic trainer. 

Kali Taft

Kali Taft
Kali is a senior at Texas A&M University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Dance Science under the direction of Christine S. Bergeron and Carisa Armstrong. Along with performing in numerous faculty and student pieces, Kali has performed in works by Third Rail Dance Theatre, Eisenhower Dance, Kathy Dunn Hamrick, Jesse Zaritt, Erica Gionfriddo and Jane Weiner. Kali is a member of the Dance Science Committee and has also collaborated in an Undergraduate Research Project entitled “DAFT Steady Increase Training Versus Plyometric High Intensity Interval Training on Cardiovascular Levels in Collegiate Dancers”. She presented this research in Norfolk, Virginia at the National Dance Society Conference (NDS) and will present it in Houston, Texas at the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (IADAMS). After graduation Kali plans to start her own dance company and continue performing and creating work to perform around the world. 

Madison McGrew

Madison McGrew
Madison is a Florida native and recent graduate of the University of South Florida with bachelor’s degrees in Dance Performance and Biomedical Sciences. In 2016, she set off to London to pursue at MSc in Dance Science as Trinity Laban's first US-UK Fulbright Postgraduate Scholar. Madison has been a member of IADMS for 2 years and is excited to now be a part of the Student Committee!

Additional Student Committee members not mentioned above: Sutton Anker and Andrea Alvarez