Ext. 2023-2025 IADMS Board of Directors Ballot
UNTIL JUNE 7, 2023, 11:59:59 PM EDT
It is time again for a transfer of leadership in IADMS as the two-year cycle of board terms will be coming to an end in October 2023. There is a new process in place reflecting the board's evolution from the daily operations of IADMS to staff and the board focusing on vision and fiduciary responsibility. As our recently updated Bylaws (approved by the membership vote on January 14, 2023) state, we will now vote for the new Board, comprised of Officers and At-Large Directors as a slate.
The incoming Officer positions for Vice-President/President-Elect and Treasurer have been recommended by the Board of Directors, per the Board Officer Nominations Policy and Procedures. The slate of At-Large Directors has been recommended by the Nominating Committee, made up of a wide ranging and intersectional group of members, per the Nominating Committee Policy and Procedures. (A slate is a list of candidates recommended by the nominating committee. You must vote the entire slate up or down; there is no voting on individual candidates.) The Board has approved this slate. The membership is now asked to vote in favor of or in opposition to the recommended Officer positions and the slate of At-Large Directors. Members will only be allowed to cast their ballot for all three items at one time.
You are now asked to vote on three ballot items:
- First vote: Vice-President/President-Elect Claire Hiller, PhD, PT (yes/no)
- Second vote: Treasurer Matthew Grierson, MD (yes/no)
- Final vote: Slate of At-Large Directors (8 persons) (yes/no)
If you voted "no" or "abstain" for the slate, please provide feedback for the Nominating Committee.