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Join a global community dedicated to advancing dance medicine and science. Sign up today and receive $10 off your first year of IADMS membership! Gain access to exclusive resources, events, and a network of professionals committed to dance health and research.

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Together, we can help provide and inform dancers and performers with the support they need. As of today, we have active members from over 50 countries worldwide, including athletic trainers, bodywork practitioners, dancers, dance educators, dance/sports science researchers, movement therapists, physical therapists/physiotherapists, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, somatic practitioners, sport-medicine professionals, students, and surgeons.

When you join IADMS, you gain access to our growing network of international professionals in the fields of dance, medicine, and science. You receive discounts to IADMS' Meetings and Events, exclusive access to eLearning and Professional Development opportunities, a subscription to the Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, and more! Read below for details on all of your IADMS member benefits.

Together, with dedicated community leaders and local partner organizations, our programs help in achieving better outcomes for dancers and performers across the globe. We invite you to join us in this mission.

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- Acupuncturists

- Athletic Trainers

- Chiropractors

- Dance Movement Therapist

- Dietician & Nutritionists

- Massage Therapists

- Nurses

- Osteopaths

- Physical Therapists / Physiotherapists

- Physician Assistants

- Physicians

- Pilates Instructors

- Podiatrists

- Psychiatrists / Psychologists

- Somatic Practitioners

- Other health professionals 

Annual subscription to the Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

FREE Find a Provider Listing

Discount to IADMS Annual Conferences and Meetings

Discount to Safe in Dance International's Professional Certificate Programs

Access to Membership Directory

IADMS Store Discount

Access to Special Interest Group Members-Only Networking Events

Annual E-Newsletter

Voting privileges IADMS's Board and Amendments to By-Laws

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If you have questions, then connect with us today at



- Artistic Directors

- Arts administrators

- Company directors

- Dance educators

- Dance researchers

- Dance scientists

- Dance teachers

- Professors / Lecturers

Annual subscription to the Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

Discount to IADMS Annual Conferences and Meetings

Discount to Safe in Dance International's Professional Certificate Programs

Access to Membership Directory

Annual E-Newsletter

IADMS Store Discount

Access to the Special Interest Group Members-Only Networking Events

Voting privileges IADMS's Board and Amendments to By-Laws

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If you have questions, then connect with us today at



- Dancers

- Medical residents, registrars, and fellows

- Members of 65 years and older

- Recent graduates (1-year post-graduation)

- Students (proof required)

Annual subscription to the Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

FREE Find a Provider Listing (for Senior Providers Only)

Discount to IADMS Annual Conferences and Meetings

Discount to Safe in Dance International's Professional Certificate Programs

Access to Membership Directory

IADMS Store Discount

Access to Special Interest Group Members-Only Networking Events

Annual E-Newsletter

Voting privileges IADMS's Board and Amendments to By-Laws

Join Now


If you have questions, then connect with us today at



- Dance Schools/Studios

- Dance Companies

- Dance and Medical Suppliers

- Hospitals

- Public/Private Healthcare Facilities

- Service Organizations

Annual subscription to the Journal of Dance Medicine & Science

FREE Find a Provider Listing 

Discount to IADMS Annual Conferences and Meetings (2 per)

Discount to Safe in Dance International's Professional Certificate Programs

Access to Membership Directory

IADMS Store Discount

Access to Special Interest Group Members-Only Networking Events


Annual E-Newsletter

Voting privileges IADMS's Board and Amendments to By-Laws (1 vote per)

Join Now


If you have questions, then connect with us today at


Our partners are vital in helping us get our message to constituents across various platforms.

IADMS is grateful to all who support our mission and provide support for the development of our educational programming and resources. We invite you to CONTACT US if you are interested in discussing opportunities to partner, including Strategic Partnerships, Event/Program Partnerships, or In-kind Partnerships. 

Current Strategic Partnerships:

Safe in Dance International

The Library Aesthetic: Dance Media