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IADMS Recognized Members


We offer our members unique opportunities to acquire professional recognition for their achievements in the field of dance medicine and science: the IADMS Fellowship (FIADMS) for advanced career professionals, and the IADMS Recognized Professional (IRP) for mid-to-late career professionals. 

The IADMS Fellowship (FIADMS) is awarded to esteemed professionals, both academics and clinicians, who demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and service to IADMS and the broader dance medicine and science community. Receiving the FIADMS award denotes a member's outstanding contributions and commitment to the field. Fellows are expected to continue service to IADMS in leadership and ambassadorial roles. To become a FIADMS, a member must complete the application, including a notation regarding the qualifying criteria that have been met, and provide two letters of recommendation. 

Application opening soon for the IADMS Fellowship. 

The IADMS Recognized Professional (IRP) is a notable achievement acquired by those who have obtained certain levels of professionalism and have expressed a commitment to continuing professional development in the field of dance medicine and science. The aim is to recognize professional members within IADMS who demonstrate skills and knowledge within their respective fields of work. The importance of this IRP is two-fold:

I. To provide best practice standards in the field of dance medicine and science for clinicians, teachers, and scientists. 

II. To support our members in achieving profession-specific standards and recognize them for their excellent dance medicine and science skills and knowledge.

The IRP application includes a detailed review of an individual's credentials and competencies through self-attestation, proof of recognized/accredited degrees and qualifying professional development, and references.


To attain the IADMS Recognized Professional title, one must be a member of IADMS, have completed the minimum academic and/or certifying qualifications, have completed programs of a certain professional rigor, and must commit to continued engagement in best practices and professional standards. Qualifying continued professional development programs and events include academic and/or medical conference attendance, presentations, publications, online and in-person continuing professional development (CPD) courses, continuing medical education (CME/CEU) courses, and the like. Further, it is expected those who apply to have knowledge of dance demands/training, and experience in the field of dance, either performing, teaching, studying, and/or treating dancers.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses offered and/or recognized by IADMS can be included in the IRP application to demonstrate areas of required knowledge and experience. *IADMS members who currently run CPD and/or CME/CEU courses are invited to submit them for evaluation and potential inclusion in the programs' criteria.

The different professional membership category requirements were developed through a series of surveys to our membership and others working in the field, as well as through direct communication with recognized experts in each field. The categories account for different qualifications, required in the different regions of the world.

Note: The Professional Development Committee understands that the current list is not exhaustive and would like to hear from professionals who would like this recognition to be considered in those countries that haven’t been included.


The IADMS Recognized Professional application (coming soon) must be submitted in completion, including a professional dossier. The dossier provides documentation and a self-assessment of one's professional experience. It is recommended to compile the complete dossier before beginning the application as it requires all of the following to be included for consideration:

    • Cover and Contents page, including page numbers;

    • The IRP Competency Profile & Portfolio;

    • Curriculum Vitae/Resume (1-5 pages), detailing current/recent employment and relevant work, qualifications, certificates, and continuing professional development;

    • 3 References using the IRP Reference Request Form, including references from one mentor and two clients;

    • A personal statement, including a brief synopsis of your work experience in the professional category for which you are applying. The typical expectation is an equivalent of 500 hours;

    • Additional documents, as needed; and

    • One of the following: Scanned original or certified copies of recognized degree(s) according to the category you are applying; OR Completion of other qualifications gained via the IRP Evidence of Knowledge form alongside official transcripts to document certification.

If an application is submitted incomplete, it will not be reviewed for consideration. If you are applying for an IRP title in more than one professional category, you must submit an application for each separately. 

Once approved, the recognition lasts 3 years. Approval will include an updated "starred" status for these recognized members on the IADMS Find a Provider online directory and in the membership directory.  Renewal to maintain status as a recognized professional will be required thereafter. 


See country-specific qualifications outlined in further detail here






Applied Scientist

MSc Sports and Exercise; MS/c Dance Science

ISAK; BSc Sports and Excercise Science



Athletic Trainer

MS in AT/Kinesiology

CSCS, FMS, Taping








Clinical Psychologist

PhD; PsychD


National Association


Dance Educator


Teaching Diploma; First Aid

Vocational Association




Sports Nutrition; Disordered Eating

National Association


Physical Therapist/



Pilates Certification; Sports PT

National Association




Sports & Exercise Medicine Fellowship



Pilates Instructor

Pilates Teaching Diploma; Rehabilitation Certification

BSc Movement Science; BA Dance

Pilates Association










National Association







Strength & Conditioning Specialist

MSc Sports & Exercise Science; Strength & Conditioning


National Association


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