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The International Association for Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS) is greatly supportive of its members wishing to host Regional Meetings. Serving as a Local Host for an IADMS Regional Meeting can be a rewarding experience that brings together several like-minded community members to discuss dance medicine and science in your region of the world. Hosting a Regional Meeting involves direct collaboration with the IADMS Board, staff, and committees to ensure that the Regional Meeting is delivered on time in a professional manner that aligns with IADMS branding and reputation. The timeline below provides a guide for the organization of a Regional Meeting and highlights important milestones in the planning process (see Appendix I).


The first step in hosting a Regional Meeting is to submit an expression of interest to the IADMS staff 12-18 months prior to the proposed meeting start date. It is important when submitting a proposal that careful consideration and research is paid to the information submitted, completing the Regional Meeting Expression of Interest template to the IADMS Board (see Appendix II). The time and location of the meeting are important so that it will not conflict with other IADMS events; if it does then a justification needs to be included (e.g. it is on the other side of the world and is targeting different audience). Each Regional Meeting should have a particular theme/focus (e.g. adolescent dancers – geared to dance teachers; management of dancers’ injuries geared to physical therapists; latest in medical management of dancers geared to healthcare professionals) and should align with the IADMS mission statement. The Regional Meeting’s local host committee should consist of at least 2 current IADMS members and contact details and biographies are to be submitted with the formal Expression of Interest. On a practical front, the venue’s suitability needs to be reviewed (parking, accessibility, suitable rooms, AV availability, technical support, seating capacity, space for possibility of movement sessions, nearby accommodations for non-residents). Finally, potential audience, including demographics of IADMS members and others in the field that work/live in the proposed region, should be noted.

Submission of your proposal serves as the first step in the process and is a means to ensuring your proposed local host committee understand the requirements and obligations.


IADMS will directly support certain promotional and organizational aspects of the Regional Meeting, including:

  • Use of the IADMS mobile app for course syllabus and other registration/activity
  • Host online registration, offering 10% discount to IADMS members
  • Assist in identifying and/or inviting presenters
  • Provide information for seeking commercial supporters and exhibitors
  • Develop promotional materials
  • Promote the Regional Meeting on the IADMS website, newsletters, and social media accounts, and through email campaigns (limit of 2 email campaigns)

The local host will support the coordination and on-site production of the Regional
Meeting, as well offer support of the IADMS mission by:

  • Identifying and negotiating contracts for the venue and all on-site logistics
  • Developing program agenda
  • Identifying and invite presenters
  • Conducting on-site registration with local student volunteers
  • Allowing IADMS publications and/or promotional materials to be available to all attendees at registration desk or in delegate bags
  • Offering all attendees an IADMS discount code to become IADMS members
  • Allowing a brief introduction from an IADMS representative to program attendees
  • Providing proof of event insurance, if necessary

IADMS and the local host agree to use all of their logos in website, print, emails, and social media activity announcements and advertisements. The local host agrees to only use the IADMS logo for this meeting, and, likewise, IADMS agrees to only use the local host’s logo for this meeting.


The Regional Meeting local host committee must submit a proforma budget with the expression of interest (See Appendix III). Upon review of the submitted application and corresponding proforma budget, IADMS will determine fee or profit share with the local host.

IADMS will manage all course registration, unless otherwise agreed upon. Upon completion of the Regional Meeting, the local host will provide an expense report and corresponding invoices/receipts. After which, IADMS will then reimburse for related expenses (Expenses must be approved by the IADMS Board of Directors. Expensed reimbursements will not exceed revenue from registration). This must be submitted within 30 days of the Regional Meeting.

IADMS can provide financial support up-front to the local host of up to $1,000USD for related expenses.


Timeline Task as assigned to IADMS staff, IADMS committees, and Local Host Committee
12-18 months

Submit Expression of Interest and Draft Budget to IADMS:

  • Email proposal to to be reviewed by staff and Board for approval to host an IADMS Regional Meeting.
    Use template Appendix II: IADMS Regional Meeting Expression of Interest and Appendix III: Draft Budget
9-12 months

Negotiate and Execute Memorandum of Agreement:

  • Fee structure determined.
  • IADMS Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed by Local Host and IADMS representative(s).
8-9 months

Plan Agenda:

  • Local Host to approach invited speakers.
  • Call for abstract submission with closing date set at approx. 5 months prior to event (if applicable).
  • Use or adapt Annual Conference Presenter Guidelines, include presentation format e.g. PowerPoint only.


  • Local Host to send images with permissions to IADMS staff and Promotions Committee.
  • Local Host to send IADMS regional contact list.
  • IADMS Promotions Committee to create Facebook event and other promotional materials.
  • IADMS staff to create Regional Meeting webpage.
  • IADMS staff to send Regional Meeting Save the Date E-blast via social media, newsletter, and email campaign(s) to international and local marketing lists, respectively.
6-8 months

Plan Agenda:

  • Establish an abstract review team (at least 2 IADMS members familiar with abstract review). Connect with Program Committee over review.

Seek Supporters:

  • Local Host to determine exhibit space available with venue.
  • Connect with IADMS’s Development Committee and seek supporters and exhibitors.
  • Exhibit fee determined by budget requirements ($150-300 USD typical).


  • Obtain quotes for venue, catering, tech support based on projected attendance.
  • Seek event insurance (as necessary).
  • IADMS staff to create registration site
4-5 months

Finalize Agenda:

  • Abstract submission closes 5 months prior to Regional Meeting (if applicable).
  • Aim for 2-week turnaround on abstract review.
  • Confirm abstract acceptance with presenters, include booking details and presentation requirements/time & format allocations.
  • Confirm presenter attendance.
3-4 months

All Details Finalized and Registration Opens:

  • Confirm & remind presenters of any outstanding items needed. Establish session moderators.
  • Organize optional social/networking event(s).
  • Finalize and publish schedule to website & social media (include speakers, delegate fees).
  • IADMS staff to create post-meeting evaluations.
  • Open registration
2-3 months

Orders and Mobile App Updates:

  • Complete orders for any ancillaries (e.g. flyers, name tags, lanyards).
  • IADMS staff to upload all material to mobile app.
2-4 weeks

Close Registration:

  • Request all presentations be sent to organizer (local host and IADMS staff).
  • Print name badges/use lanyards.
  • Confirm numbers, details, & schedule with caterers (e.g. any food allergies).
1-2 weeks


  • Send confirmation email to all delegates with housekeeping info, venue, parking, schedule, catering, and mobile app information.
  • Print other signage, hard copy of delegate lists.
  • Compile delegate bags and name tags.
On the day

Day Of:

  • Registration table with delegate list, sign in sheets, name tags, delegate bags.
  • Check AV and catering set-up.
  • Opening announcement to include IADMS mission and promote upcoming IADMS events (e.g. AC).

Enjoy the meeting.

1-2 weeks post

Post-Meeting Reconciliation:

  • Send post-course email with discount code for an IADMS membership and evaluations to attendees.
  • Final budget and submit all expenses (receipts) to IADMS staff for reconciliation and reimbursement (if applicable).

Appendix II: IADMS Regional Meeting Expression of Interest